In the past, every Prayer Letter included a Bible study, as well as sharing important issues for prayer. The overall theme has been "praying for the nation" and one of the books on our 'Bible Study Books' page (see tab on left) is called "Pray for the Nation". This book can be read online and/or printed.
To give you a brief idea of what this book is about, the links to 3 excerpts from different chapters of this book are below (each excerpt is about 2-3 pages long).
Praying for nations (chapter 3)
God's dealings with cities (chapter 8)
God of nations (chapter 9)
From the book "Spiritual Warfare through Intercession"
Elijah - an effective intercessor (chapter 11)
Ezra - intercessor for a nation (chapter 12)
Esther - the intercessor (chapter 10)
Over the coming months more excerpts ("snippets"), from other books, will be placed on this Prayer Letters page.